Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hi Guys,

Regarding the hand-in this Sunday ... the 18th of March, by 9pm (keep in mind the penalties for lateness)... focus on the conceptual analysis of the 3 competition entries; you should issues that connect them or that they have in contrast, or that they tell us about the competition in general. Your analysis is done by design ... which means the form, space, light, line quality, etc, etc on your A1 sheet all make some contribution to our understanding. Remember to include a site plan, an elevation, a plan and a maximum of 100 words ... as per the competition guidelines (because you are not designing a piece of architecture you will have to think laterally about how you can accommodate these requirements). One piece of advice I would leave you is: make sure your analysis "looks" like a competition entry.

Upload a PDF not exceeding 10mb to a place on-line and link it back to your blog.

Reinforcing what I said in class; ignore the part in the course outline that talks about producing a conceptual design that responds to this years brief. We will get onto that in the second submission.

Finally, remember to post an entry on your blog indicating the percentage values you want associated to each of the assessment criteria. Include a short statement (in the spirit of the competition you should keep this explanation to 100 words max!) as to why you are weighting it in this way.

Cheers, and good luck!


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